Do You Trust You?


I know I’ve learned from this the hard way!!! I felt my soul screaming at me at the end of my past relationship. My body was breaking down. My hair was falling out. I was at such a disconnect with myself, I felt like I was dying! Some part of me felt like I would if I didn’t leave, and so I did. I wish I’d listened much sooner, but I learned that I never want to ignore that voice again! That discomfort you feel in your life isn’t there to give you a reason to drink… to numb yourself. That pain in your body isn’t telling you to take meds. The exhaustion you feel isn’t telling you to
drink coffee all day and push through…

Pain and discomfort are messages our mind and body are sending us to PAY ATTENTION to ourselves and give ourselves what we NEED! It’s that small voice that can only be heard clearly when we are quiet enough to listen and not distracting ourselves in a million ways.

If we can’t trust ourselves we certainly can’t build trust in others. We can’t make promises to ourselves and then break them over and over, and expect trust from our friends and partners. That discomfort that is trying to tell you a change is needed will only continue to get bigger… The pain that needs you to stop a bad habit will just get louder…Until it’s so BIG you can’t ignore it anymore. It just needs to be seen! Give it your attention. Rest. Acknowledgement. If you can listen and detect the need then you can consciously decide how to move forward instead of treating it like a nuisance. Denying and rejecting yourself can never build trust.

When you have confidence that you align with your own intentions, values and character it’s much easier to act in your own best interest physically, emotionally and spiritually. Trust in yourself gives you FREEDOM to build solid relationships in every aspect of your life.

What needs your attention right now?